Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Great site for worksheets!
If you are looking for some additional help in adding to your curriculum - you will definitely want to check out KB Teachers. They have many worksheets available for free and they also have a premium membership available for only $29/year. You can choose from over 1000's of worksheets!
We are enjoying the Anatomy section right now as we learn more about the human body. We are enjoying our membership. Here is a review I did for them last year. I'd have to say that we would use that premium membership now too. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
TOS Review: How to Have A HEART For Your Kids
I was so excited to receive my first review product for the year. Mainly, when I think of review products I think curriculum so when I saw the item was Apologia's How To Have A HEART For Your Kids by Rachel Carmen I was thrilled. It was something that I alone could sit, savor, and enjoy.
I think I've mentioned before when I hear Apologia my mind immediately goes to science but they have so many different products available including many resources to aid homeschooling families in their journey.
The timing of it was perfect for me. We were still enjoying summer which really flew by. When it arrived we were in the middle of an unplugged week so I had plenty of time for devouring every drop of wisdom. Please excuse the not so glamorous look but I was enjoying myself.
As I first began to read, I found myself actually nodding my head because I could relate so much to Rachel's homeschool story! My children were not homeschooled from the beginning and I didn't plan to although I had felt God calling me too - I resisted for several years. This was just the introduction which you can read here.
Then came the meat -
H - Have a Heart for the Things of God
E - Enrich Your Marriage
A - Accept Your Kids
R - Release Them To God
T - Teach Them The Truth
One of my favorite passages came from the Accept Your Kids chapter. It was just a big aha moment for me and it comes back to me each time I'm struggling with something with one of my children.
"Jochabed had prayed for deliverance for her people, the Hebrews, and guess what? She gave birth to the deliverer! How's that for answered prayer? Could it be that you or I have given birth to an answer to prayer? That will make you think. What are you urgently praying for? Godly government leadership? A cure for cancer? Are you praying for a new generation of dedicated homeschool families? Missionaries to take the good news to the lost?......................It's possible that the answers to some of these prayers are already here in the form a of a child, a teenager, or a young adult."
This was very eye opening for me and helps me to look at my children very differently even if they aren't the next so and so above. They are a creation of the Father and not something I should take lightly.
I found this book to truly be a Titus 2 mentor book. Ms. Carmen offers up lots of wisdom and advice in how to really know your children. She is a homeschooling mother of seven and also the author of Soundbites from Heaven: What God Wants Us to Hear When We Talk To Our Kids.
You can see the complete table of contents here. To purchase your own copy for just $13 go here.
Don't forget to check out what my fellow crewmates thought of How To Have A HEART For Your Kids.
**Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my review. The opinions here are my honest and true evaluation!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The Homeschool Mother's Journal - Week 2
In my life this week…
We began to get rain and wind starting around 1:00am Saturday morning and it didn't let up until about 2:00am Sunday morning so all day long was rainy and windy. We lost power for most of the day but it came back on just in time for supper. :) We were blessed with very minimal damage - a couple of trees down, shingles blown off, and a window to the garage blown out but we were all safe. Thank you Lord!!
In our homeschool this week...
Challenge A - getting our feel for this still. The requirement in geography was to draw free hand without looking the US with all the states, capitals, rivers, lakes, mountains, etc. Our personal goal is to just accomplish the states and we're still working on that one!
MFW Bible readings - we read from our Bible this week. We discussed the different languages of the world and the fact that God made us all and all will bow to Him one day.
all review at this point - everyone is doing well and loving the ease
Learning the states and capitals, the equator, continents and oceans and drawing them all.
I had to ditch Primary Language Lessons and Intermediate Language Lesson this week. It just wasn't a good fit for our family. I have ordered Rod and Staff's Beginning Wisely for Sarah and Stephen will just work from CC Essentials and Our Mother Tongue.
Classical Conversations
Cycle 3 - Week 2 (although we haven't started back yet - the kids were BEGGING to begin so we did ;)
Columbus - reading Pedro's Journal
no science this week as we waited for our Apologia Anatomy Notebooking Journals to arrive and they came in today!!
Places we’re going and people we’re
My favorite thing this week was…
Questions/thoughts I have…
We're reading…
The Core (again!)
Read Alouds: The Witch of Blackbird Pond and Pedro's Journal
The Magician's Nephew
The Bears on Hemlock Mountain
The Skippack School
The Courage of Sarah Noble (and she loves the fact that she has a brother named Stephen too :)
Our week in pictures.....
Riding out the storm :)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The Homeschool Mother's Journal - First Week of School!
In my life this week…
In our homeschool this week...
Stephen and Sarah are finishing up much earlier than Jonathan but we still haven't added in all their subjects yet. My plan was to focus on Jonathan this week at least! They are both doing well.
We are reading in MFW - God Speaks Numanggang
all review at this point
Learning the states and capitals, the equator, continents and oceans and drawing them all.
Classical Conversations
Cycle 3 - Week 1
MFW - week 1 right now but we will be adding in Apologia's Anatomy in a few weeks.
Places we’re going and people we’re
My favorite thing this week was…
Questions/thoughts I have…
We're reading…
How To Have A HEART For Your Kids
The Core (again!)
Simply Organized
Read Alouds: The Witch of Blackbird Pond and Incans, Aztecs, and Mayans
The Magician's Nephew
The First Thanksgiving
The Courage of Sarah Noble
The First Thanksgiving
Our week in pictures.....
Sarah -Reading and Math
Friday, August 19, 2011
For more on the guidelines visit one of the host blogs - Glimpse of Our Life, Our Homeschool Studio, and Our Village is a Little Different.
Have fun reading!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
My Homeschool Swap!
The door bell rang and there it was....just like Christmas - my homeschool swap! Thank you Traci!! The kids have already tried to swipe my bubble gum and lemon heads! I guess I'll share :) I can't wait to start reading the Above Rubies magazine. We must think alike because we both sent the same binder clips to each other!! You can never have too many of those!
- pretty folders
- Above Rubies magazine
- post it tabs in blue and yellow - I love these :)
- pencils
- brad fasteners
- binder clips
- magnetic clips
- electronic fragrance diffuser with hot apple pie scent
- double bubble and lemon heads
- pencil grips
- magnetic memo list pad
- hair barrettes
- hair bands
Again, thank you Traci and The Homeschool Post for setting this up! Another swap should be starting in September.
Monday, August 15, 2011
First Day Of School 2011/2012!
Our 2011/2012 Curriculum
Our Homeschool 2011-2012 Curriculum
Our 2011-2012 curriculum choices are based on several factors.
1) We are a part of Classical Conversations group so several of our
curriculum choices reflect this decision. 2) My desire is for our family to
study subjects together whenever we can.
8th Grade Curriculum Choices
Jonathan will be participating in our local Classical
Conversation's group - Challenge A.
- Teaching Textbooks Pre Algebra
- Latin's Not So Tough – 3 and 4
- Geography – world
- Biology 100 + Series
- IEW Bible Based Lessons
- It Couldn't Just Happen
- Don’t Check Your Brains At The Door
- Literature
- The Door In The Wall
- The Secret Garden
- Number the Stars
- Amos Fortune, Free Man
- Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
- The Bronze Bow
- The Magician's Nephew
5th Grade Curriculum
- Grammar - Intermediate Language Lessons, CC Essentials
- Math 6/5
- Latin - Latin For Children A, Classical Coversations
- Writing - IEW US History Lesson
Reading - Sonlight 3 Advanced Readers
- Vostaas: White Buffalo's Story
- A Lion To Guard Us
- Pocahontas and the Strangers
- The Thanksgiving Story
- The Courage of Sarah Noble
- The Bears on Hemlock Mountain
- The Skippack School
- The Matchlock Gun
- Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia
- Meet George Washington
- Phoebe the Spy
- George Washington: Young Leader
- The Cabin Faced West
- Meet Thomas Jefferson
- Sarah Whitcher's Story
- Noya Nuki
- Robert Fulton: bay Craftsman
- Sarah, Plain and Tall
- Stone Fox
3rd Grade Curriculum
Sarah will be participating in Classical Conversations Foundations program.
- Grammar - Primary Language Lessons
- Math - Saxon 3
- Latin - Latin For Children A, Classical Coversations
- Writing - copy work CC memory work
- Reading - Sonlight 3 Regular Readers
- Pocahontas and the Strangers
- Squanto, Friend of the Pilgrims
- The Thanksgiving Story
- The Courage of Sarah Noble
- The Skippack School
- The Matchlock Gun
- Meet George Washington
- Phoebe the Spy
- Om-kas-toe
- Sarah Whitcher's Story
- Robert Fulton: bay Craftsman
- Sarah, Plain and Tall
Family Resources
- Bible - Who Is God
- History/Science - My Father's World ECC, Classical Conversations
- Read Alouds - Sonlight Core 3/D
- Walk the World's Rim
- The Sign of the Beaver
- The Witch of Blackbird Pond
- Johnny Tremain
- Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
- Justin Morgan Had a Horse
- Calico Bush
- The Journeyman
- Swift Rivers
- Spelling - Spelling Power
- Memory Work - Classical Conversations and My Father's World ECC
Our School Room - 2011/2012
Here is our room - In this section is where we meet as a family. We update the calendar, do our pledges, bible study and My Father’s World family studies at this table. This is also where I work one on one with each child. I sit in front of the book shelf so my teacher manuals and other items that I need are located there. All of the children’s reading books for the year are there too.
In the left corner is where I keep extra printer paper, expo
markers, rulers, extra pens and pencils, etc. It is also planning central for
This is the kids section. Each child has 2 shelves to hold their workbooks. Above their shelves is our Classical Conversations memory work board that holds a week’s worth of information. The desk is the computer area and where some independent work is done.
this is my all time favorite school supply product :)) - purchased
on sale at Aldi for $9.99 several years ago!
This is what our table looked liked during the summer months of
preparations :)
Friday, August 12, 2011
In my life this week….
Our final week of summer draws to an end. Time to implement all the plans and schedules starting Monday. We will start slow next week to ease back into routine.
Attending our homeschool group kick off party - it was a skating party and the air conditioner was broke but the kids had so much fun and enjoyed chatting with old and new friends.
Places I’m going…
Back to Homeschool! Jonathan starts Challenge A!
Things I’m working on…
Just getting back into routine!
Books I’m reading…
My Bible
How To Have A HEART For Your Kids (review coming soon)
How To Have A HEART For Your Kids (review coming soon)
A quote, a video, a link or pic to share…
A photo glimpse into my week..........
A photo glimpse into my week..........
I celebrated my birthday this week and this was my favorite present!
A snugglie bear complete with a bow!
Share your week and check out what other homeschoolers are up to this summer by visiting The Homeschool Chick.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Today's Treasure
Inspired by Stef at Educating Layton, I decided to turn our
currently unused white board into an inspiration board. This board has been
used for chores and menus in the past but for the past few months it has been
blank. This is much better!
The kids already approve and are having a blast seeing if they know the verse or not.
The kids already approve and are having a blast seeing if they know the verse or not.