Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Our School Room

Each Monday in July (or some day there about :)  - I will be linking up with Amber over at A Classic Housewife for Back To Homeschool!
This week we are sharing our homeschool rooms and/or organization tips.

Here is our school room.  It is still a work in progress at the moment as we are clearing out last year’s items and ordering, receiving, and shelving this year’s items.

This is the kids section.  Each child has 2 shelves to hold their workbooks.  Above their shelves is our Classical Conversations memory work board that holds a week’s worth of information.  The desk is the computer area and where some independent work is done.

In this section is where we meet as a family.  We update the calendar, do our pledges, bible study and My Father’s World family studies at this table.  This is also where I work one on one with each child.  I sit in front of the book shelf so my teacher manuals and other items that I need are located here.  All of the children’s reading books for the year are here too.
In the left corner is where I keep extra printer paper, expo markers, rulers, extra pens and pencils, etc.  My Well Planned Day Binder is there on top of the printer.  It houses our weekly school plans (that I made using a variety of planning resources) but not the Well Planned Day planner, lol, because I didn't think it fit very well and I also use that planner for my personal planner instead of homeschool.  Clear as mud?

These are my grab and go bags for Classical Conversations Days.  They will probably be changing into a rolling cart this year since I will also be a tutor.  I just haven’t made that transition yet.  And the last picture is just a different angle of the room.
If you look close you’ll see the calendar says May Smile

And there you have our homeschool room!


  1. nice! i like how your computer is in the school area, ours is not. i am curious about Classical Conversations...i see it mentioned on many different blogs.

  2. Very neat and organized!! Love it. Love my Well Planned Day planner, too. It's the bomb. =p

  3. @gail this will be our 2nd year with CC - I wish I'd found it sooner! I don't think it is for every family though but it has been a blessing to ours.

  4. @amber - yes, yes WPD is the bomb :)

  5. Fun to catch a glimpse of your neat, organized world...but I like ya all the more for the fact that your calendar still says "May" :)
    ~Kara @ The Chuppies/NOBH


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