Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Bible in 90 days plan

I now have my mentor and group established and I'm already enjoying getting to know the ladies in our group!  As a matter of fact, one of them, Christy is who I'm linking up to with my plan of action!
  1. You Version App on my phone - I plan to do the majority of my reading on my phone app.  The Bible in 90 days plan is up there as a choice of reading plans.
  2. Set Reading Times - The majority of the reading I plan to get done when I get up in the morning during my quiet time. Our family also has an afternoon quiet time each day (when we are home!) so I can use that to "catch up" if need be. 
  3. Connecting with my group (group #45) - Accountability really should be my middle name.  My middle initial is already A anyway.  :)  I am so grateful for the internet and the areas of accountability that I can find help in!
  4. Bible first! - I will read no other book until I have finished my daily reading.  I LOVE to read so that will be a super motivator for me.  Especially since I just received Reshaping It All and Made To Crave!
  5. I want to be a mentor! - I want to accomplish this so I too can be a mentor for the next group and pay it forward!
It's not too late to join!  Let's do this!


  1. I"m reading on my phone too! I bet you will love being a mentor.


  2. thanks for stopping by Shawntele! It's only a day away (in my best Annie voice :)

  3. Same here Kellee - keep me in line too!

  4. This sounds like a great plan of action, I am sure you'll do great!

    I can't wait for Monday to start reading through again. :O)

  5. I love to read too Melissa! I plan to read during my breaks at work, during my son's practice, and before I go to bed! Reading is not a problem for me, but if I get my hands on really good book then, I have trouble putting it down! So, I hope Group 45 will keep me in line!


  6. This is a great plan! I've also told myself that I will NOT get on Facebook until my reading is done! That should help me as well!

  7. This looks like a great plan and idea! Have fun and enjoy the fruits of your time in the Word! Thank you for linking up to NOBH! :)


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