Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Back To Home School in July - Week 2

Each Monday in July (or some day there about :)  - I will be linking up with Amber over at A Classic Housewife for Back To Homeschool!
Here are the topics if you'd like to join too!

July 11th ~Your Curriculum (Or “must haves” for supplemental learning, favorite resources, etc.)
July 18th~Your School Room/Area (Or your favorite organizers/tools/etc.)
July 25th~Your School Day, Lesson Planning, Organizing, or Record Keeping

Our Homeschool 2011-2012 Curriculum

Our 2011-2012 curriculum choices are based on several factors.  1) We are a part of Classical Conversations group so several of our curriculum choices reflect this decision.  2) My desire is for our family to study subjects together whenever we can.

You can find our curriculum choices laid out in detail by clicking on each grade level.  8th, 5th, and 3rd.

Something that has been a part of our homeschool since the beginning that I could not do without is my own planning!  I love laid out plans but I always tweak them to fit our time and schedule.    

My must haves are......
  • weekly plans
  • dry erase board and markers
  • Classical Conversations board (look at the bottom of the post)
  • lots of prayer
  • the ability to let go of something if necessary
  • laminator!!
  • copy machine/printer


  1. Hi! I'm Nikki from the Crew! I look forward to hearing more about Classical Conversations. I know one lady in my local homeschool group who participates in CC. Thanks for following my blog. I am now following you. :)

  2. Hi! I'm Nikki from the Crew! I look forward to hearing more about Classical Conversations. I know one lady in my local homeschool group who participates in CC. Thanks for following my blog. I am now following you. :)

  3. We use our dry erase board a lot! It's definitely handy and a must have. I looked at the different grade lists, looks like a great year taking shape. Thanks for linking up!

  4. Your must haves are similar to my must haves! I couldn't do without a printer and dry erase board either! Thanks for sharing your homeschool ideas at NOBH! :)


Thanks for stopping by - let me know that you did!