Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - Summer

In my life this week….

VBS, VBS for the past 2 weeks!  Last week was decorating and preparation week.  This week was the actual week of fun!  So, today I am crashing!!

My favorite thing this week was…

Being able to share in the process of six children giving their little precious lives over to Jesus!

Places I’m going…

This week we have orientation for Classical Conversations - both the Challenge A classes and the Foundations.

Things I’m working on…

  • getting back into routine (including getting back to weekly lists!)
  • catching up on my Bible in 90 Days reading
  • finishing school room preparation
  • finishing tutoring preparation for CC

Books I’m reading…

My Bible only right now until I can stay caught up!!

A quote, a video, a link or pic to share…

A photo glimpse into my week..........

My helpers making Statue of Liberty Hats for VBS!  

My pure joy :)

You can also join up to share your week and check out what other homeschoolers are up to this summer by visiting The Homeschool Chick.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Our School Room

Each Monday in July (or some day there about :)  - I will be linking up with Amber over at A Classic Housewife for Back To Homeschool!
This week we are sharing our homeschool rooms and/or organization tips.

Here is our school room.  It is still a work in progress at the moment as we are clearing out last year’s items and ordering, receiving, and shelving this year’s items.

This is the kids section.  Each child has 2 shelves to hold their workbooks.  Above their shelves is our Classical Conversations memory work board that holds a week’s worth of information.  The desk is the computer area and where some independent work is done.

In this section is where we meet as a family.  We update the calendar, do our pledges, bible study and My Father’s World family studies at this table.  This is also where I work one on one with each child.  I sit in front of the book shelf so my teacher manuals and other items that I need are located here.  All of the children’s reading books for the year are here too.
In the left corner is where I keep extra printer paper, expo markers, rulers, extra pens and pencils, etc.  My Well Planned Day Binder is there on top of the printer.  It houses our weekly school plans (that I made using a variety of planning resources) but not the Well Planned Day planner, lol, because I didn't think it fit very well and I also use that planner for my personal planner instead of homeschool.  Clear as mud?

These are my grab and go bags for Classical Conversations Days.  They will probably be changing into a rolling cart this year since I will also be a tutor.  I just haven’t made that transition yet.  And the last picture is just a different angle of the room.
If you look close you’ll see the calendar says May Smile

And there you have our homeschool room!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Love In A Diet Winner is.......

Doreen whose weight loss advice was....

"One of the best keys to weight loss is drinking lots of water and portion control."

Congratulations Doreen!  I have emailed you!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Back To Home School in July - Week 2

Each Monday in July (or some day there about :)  - I will be linking up with Amber over at A Classic Housewife for Back To Homeschool!
Here are the topics if you'd like to join too!

July 11th ~Your Curriculum (Or “must haves” for supplemental learning, favorite resources, etc.)
July 18th~Your School Room/Area (Or your favorite organizers/tools/etc.)
July 25th~Your School Day, Lesson Planning, Organizing, or Record Keeping

Our Homeschool 2011-2012 Curriculum

Our 2011-2012 curriculum choices are based on several factors.  1) We are a part of Classical Conversations group so several of our curriculum choices reflect this decision.  2) My desire is for our family to study subjects together whenever we can.

You can find our curriculum choices laid out in detail by clicking on each grade level.  8th, 5th, and 3rd.

Something that has been a part of our homeschool since the beginning that I could not do without is my own planning!  I love laid out plans but I always tweak them to fit our time and schedule.    

My must haves are......
  • weekly plans
  • dry erase board and markers
  • Classical Conversations board (look at the bottom of the post)
  • lots of prayer
  • the ability to let go of something if necessary
  • laminator!!
  • copy machine/printer

Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Bible in 90 days plan

I now have my mentor and group established and I'm already enjoying getting to know the ladies in our group!  As a matter of fact, one of them, Christy is who I'm linking up to with my plan of action!
  1. You Version App on my phone - I plan to do the majority of my reading on my phone app.  The Bible in 90 days plan is up there as a choice of reading plans.
  2. Set Reading Times - The majority of the reading I plan to get done when I get up in the morning during my quiet time. Our family also has an afternoon quiet time each day (when we are home!) so I can use that to "catch up" if need be. 
  3. Connecting with my group (group #45) - Accountability really should be my middle name.  My middle initial is already A anyway.  :)  I am so grateful for the internet and the areas of accountability that I can find help in!
  4. Bible first! - I will read no other book until I have finished my daily reading.  I LOVE to read so that will be a super motivator for me.  Especially since I just received Reshaping It All and Made To Crave!
  5. I want to be a mentor! - I want to accomplish this so I too can be a mentor for the next group and pay it forward!
It's not too late to join!  Let's do this!

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - Summer Declutter

In my life this week….

It has been a nice week.  I am still working on organizing and switching things around in a few rooms.  Also doing lots of decluttering!  After much prayer, I have decided to join up with Amy at Mom's Toolbox to read the bible in 90 days.

Another fun carnival I am joining is the Back To Homeschool blog carnival.

My favorite thing this week was…

Organizing supplies - I love, love doing this.  It's my favorite part of the school year.  Hopefully I will have some pictures to share soon!

Places I’m going…

We are headed back on the road this week for day summer camp for Sarah.  I should still be able to accomplish some cleaning/organizing though.  Just need to keep motivated!

Things I’m working on…

lesson plans, cleaning, decluttering (3 weeks in a row now :)
trying to add in exercise at least 3 times a week - gonna dance with the wii and Paula Abdul

Books I’m reading…

My Bible!!


Large Family coming up

A quote, a video, a link or pic to share…

If your homeschool style is Classical - you may be interested in My Classical Homeschool.  She has lots of goodies there and I love reading her blog.  Enjoy!

You can also join up to share your week and check out what other homeschoolers are up to this summer by visiting The Homeschool Chick.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Love in a Diet - Review and Giveaway

Love in a Diet

This book is a very simple and short read on the journey of Wendy Jeub, mother of 16, and her weight loss journey.  It is an encouraging book that you too can lose weight and keep it off.  

I have to admit that as I read I keep longing for more practical applications.  Don't get me wrong, she shares a sample schedule of her day and she does share a few tips of what has worked for her.  But if you are searching for a specific plan to follow, then this book is not for you.  If you are looking for an encouraging story of a mother of 16 who is now loving herself and her weight, then you should read this book.

You can purchase your own copy of  Love In A Diet for $5 right now.  At that price I think this book is worth it's value!

I also have one copy of Love In A Diet that I would like to give away to my readers and let you decide!  To enter to win see the following...
  1. You must be a follower of Grace Christian Homeschool.
  2. Leave a comment below and give me your favorite tip for weight loss or maintaining your weight.
Don't forget to leave me your email address so I can contact you!  This is a book that I purchased myself that I would like to pass forward so enjoy!  This is a paperback book - not an ebook!  This contest will remain open until 7/13 and a winner will be chosen and announced by 7/14!

Giveaway Day

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Back To Homeschool 2011

Welcome to Grace Christian Homeschool!

In our homeschool this year we have......

8th grader - Jonathan

5th grader Stephen

and 3rd grader Sarah

This year will be our 2nd year joining our local Classical Conversations group.  I will also be tutoring this year so once again we will be doing some changing!  Jonathan began the Challenge A group but we did not continue.  It just moved way too fast so he is now doing the work at home at a slower pace.  For Stephen and Sarah, I am using My Father's World - Exploring Countries and Cultures along with CC.

We are a very eclectic homeschool leaning toward the classical style.  


My Photo
I am a 39 year old wife to the love of my life and mom to 3 children. I am truly blessed to have been given such a wonderful family. I am a Christian and know that I would have never known Jesus had it not been by His grace. I enjoy all sorts of crafts and reading when I have the time! In the picture is a vacation photo of my 3 children enjoying a sunrise at the beach!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fun, Fun

While reading my fellow crew mate's blog, Our Homeschool Reviews, she posted about No Ordinary Blog Hop (NOBH).  NOBH is a fun way to meet new people and visit new blogs too!

July is a fresh new month and it's fun.  You just link up your posts on the site.  It's fun to have so many different topics to read about in one place!

Want more details?  Stop by!

I'm Joining Bible in 90 Days

It's not too late - you can join too!  Reading begins July 11th and ends October 8.  I joined once before but didn't finish.  This time I will finish even if I don't in 90 days!  But I have my quiet time set more habitually now so I'm pretty sure I can do this.  No, not pretty sure - I CAN DO THIS!  And you can too!

As the 4th approaches and freedom reigns, the freedom I have in Christ is in my every thought.  The Bible is God's special gift to me so if I can read other books I can choose to read His first!  This is the living book!

So, are you signed up already?  Are you headed to do that right now?  Who are you?  Inquiring minds want to know in the comments section below.  Smile  If you've visited here often, you know I need accountability!!

And check out today's wisdom:

"For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past.  And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die."
Philippians 1:20

Friday, July 1, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal - summer!

In my life this week….

I did it! I did it!  I stayed home for 4 days and 4 nights straight!  When did our life become so crazy that this is actually a BIG accomplishment?!  And believe me it was HUGE!  My goal was refreshment - physically & spiritually.  Mission accomplished!

My favorite thing this week was…

Playing many many hands of Skip-bo and actually beginning to get some homeschool plans on paper!  I also added some used curriculum for sale...part 1 and part 2.

Places I’m going…

Holiday week coming up so the only events we have planned are fireworks baby!  Not at home - just sparklers there.  We will go visit our local community firework show and enjoy hot dogs, watermelon, ice cream, and birthday cake. 

Things I’m working on…

lesson plans, cleaning, decluttering
Hmmmm, that sounds fimiliar!

Books I’m reading…


Love In A and giveaway coming up
Large Family coming up
How To Market and Sell Your Ebook.... see my review and enter the giveway!

A quote, a video, a link or pic to share…

Lots of great wisdom, encouragement, and help for homeschoolers over at The Homeschool Village

Co-Founders: Stef & Susan

Monday Preschool: Jane, Cheryl, Kelly, and Allison
Adventures of a Somewhat Crunchy MamaPhotobucket

Tips on Tuesday: How to’s, unschooling, frugal homeschooling, and  faith
Lisa, Jessica, Sonita, and Jessica
  Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Wednesday Special Needs Support: Jennifer, Dawn, and Sandra
Grab my Button!Photobucket

Thinking Thursdays: Science, Field Trips, Physical Education, and Lapbooks

Marci, Tonya, Caroline, and Stacey


Family Fridays: High School, A Newbie’s Journal, Character Training For Teenage Girls & Boys 
Erin, Joy, Kela, and Phyllis

Saturday Reviews

Monthly Encouragement from Veteran Mom: Shannon

You can also join up to share your week and check out what other homeschoolers are up to this summer by visiting The Homeschool Chick.