Friday, June 10, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - summer!

In my life this week….

This week has been crazy as we are gearing up for dance recitals tomorrow! All 3 of my children started taking dance this year and love it! They are a part of a ministry team that goes out into the community and dances to Christian music to share God's love through dance. Jonathan and I are also packing to head out to summer camp on Monday!! Summer is here!

My favorite thing this week was…

The final week of our ladies bible study. We finished up Living Beyond Yourself by Beth Moore and let me just tell you that I was so filled with the Spirit when I left last night that I had a hard time even sleeping. Our group was small and intimate and mixed of all ages and every single one of us talked about how much we grew during this study and we're already planning our next one!!

Places I’m going…

My oldest son and I will be gearing up for a week of summer camp on Monday! I would appreciate your prayers for our leaders and teens.

Things I’m working on…

packing - a week is a long time especially when you need sheets and towels too!

Books I’m reading…

Ministry of Motherhood with Good Morning Girls.


Large Family Logistics

A quote, a video, a link or pic to share…

If you are looking for a simple paper planner to get you started with your homeschool - I am giving away 5 copies of The Homeschool Planner!! Go enter here!
You can also join up to share your week and check out what other homeschoolers are up to this summer by visiting The Homeschool Chick.


  1. You are one busy mama! I will be saying prayers over your summer camp adventure. I've only read a couple of Beth Moore's books and she is just amazing!

  2. Would love to see you do a review of "Large Family Logistics." I keep seeing it and am tempted to buy, but need to know if it's full of truly practical advice.

  3. I will certainly do that! I haven't had the time to dig in too much yet but I couldn't believe how big it was when it arrived!


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