Wednesday, April 20, 2011

TOS Review: Growing Healthy Homes

One of my favorite things about being a reviewer on the crew is being blessed with the knowledge of new products.  I have never heard of the Nutrition 101: Choose Life book before and was excited to see what it was about!

At first glance, my eyes were loving the colorful pages.  As I examined the book further, I could not believe the wealth of information in this book. Our family was just about to embark on a healthier lifestyle with baby steps and this was just the book to get us started!  It has 448 pages broken down into 6 units covering the 12 main body systems. 

The units are.......
  1. The Brain and Nervous System
  2. Digestion and Elimination
  3. Respiration and Olfactory
  4. Muscular and Skeletal Systems
  5. Cardiovascular and Immune Systems
  6. Endocrine System and Emotions.

Each unit includes 4 chapters, additional recipes, activity guide, and appendix.  Each chapter per unit includes discussion questions, recipes, additional resources, and activities.

This is a complete health and nutrition unit study for all ages.  There are so many ways that you could use this book.  It would be wonderful to do with a group in a co-op setting, absolutely wonderful for a homeschool classroom setting, or even as a family!  Chapters are structured to be completed in a week but as we homeschoolers know - that is a guideline, not a must!  If you do complete a chapter a week, you would complete all 6 units in a year.  For us, we started out with a chapter a week but felt too rushed so we slowed down to a chapter every 2 weeks.  

We are just beginning to really dig into the wealth of information included in this book but so far it is a resource that we love.  As you go through your study, you will take an in depth look at how we eat, what we eat, how the body works, and how these food affect the body. 

If you purchase the CD-ROM version, I would highly recommend you print it out.  I find that it is so much easier for me to work with if I have a printed copy in front of me.  I printed out a unit at time to begin with.  That is just my personal preference though.

You can purchase Nutrition 101:Choose Life here in CD-ROM for $79.95, in hardback book form for $99.95, or in a combo of both for $129.95.  Personally, I would choose the combo option if I could afford the extra money because it is worth it to be able to have the book in front of you and then also have the option of printing additional pages when you want to.

You can see a beautiful 27 page excerpt to help you decide.  Also, just by reading my review, you will be able to get a 15% off discount by using code TOScrew11.

Would our family purchase Nutrition 101:Choose Life?  At first look, the price seems to be costly.  Can you put a price on choosing life even?  Also, I can use the study with all three of my children and really this is one of those bookshelf resources that you refer back to time and time again after you've completed the study so our answer is YES! 

Growing Healthy Homes also has other products available here that you may want to check out also.


Don't forget to check out what my fellow crewmates thought of Nutrition 101:Choose Life.  Last year's crew voted Nutrition 101:Choose Life as the best e-product of the year!

**Disclaimer:  I received a free digital download of the book in exchange for my review.  The opinions here are my honest and true evaluation!

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