Friday, April 8, 2011

Homemaker's Challenge - Schedule Rebellion

This weeks challenge:

Choose one item from your schedule to implement.

The item I chose from our schedule was for me to have my quiet time FIRST thing in the morning.  I manage to get in my quiet time everyday but I really want it to be the first thing I do.  I want to start my day with my God and have Him fill me with His Spirit to tackle the day that lies ahead.  In order to accomplish this goal, I must/had to get up earlier than I have been.  My habit lately has been sleeping in and then rushing to get school started instead of having my nice relaxing morning.  

So, here's how the week went for me.

Day 1 - Monday - A very hard day to do this.  My husband is off on Monday's and Sunday's are FULL around here so it's hard to get up and get going.  I did not not meet my goal this day.

Day 2 - Tuesday - This is our Classical Conversations day and the day after Zumba.  So, dragging out of bed is even harder than on Monday.  Do you see a pattern of excuses here?  I do!!  But, I did it and felt so refreshed and ready to go even if my legs and hips were not wanting to cooperate with those feelings!

Day 3 - Wednesday - No excuses!  Up and quiet time done!  Hooray!

Day 4&5 - Thursday & Friday - Again, up and quiet time done!

Honestly, the accountability factor helped me immensely.  I'm finding that in all areas of my life.  I need accountability so thank you Christin for the challenge!  

Go see how others tamed their schedule rebellion this week or did they............


  1. Yay! That is next on my list- quiet time. I get up earlier than my kids, but not quite early enough!

    I hope you can continue past this week! :)

  2. Great job! I now do quiet time and workouts in the morning. Quiet time came first, and then I decided workouts fit there too:)

  3. Thank you Laura!

    Sam, exercise will be the next thing I add too! I am encouraged by your weekly exercise posts! Keep 'em coming!!

  4. Awesome job Melissa!

    I am finding I need the accountability at all. I am seriously thinking about doing a separate "challenge" for just implementing our schedules on a 3 month rotation. Look for it in June! :)

    Thanks for joining and encouraging and inspiring us! :)
    Now, try to do it again this coming week. :) You can do it!
    Christin/Joyful Mothering

  5. Oh gosh, I need to proof read! That should say, "I am finding I need the accountability AS WELL." :)

  6. Thank you Laura!

    Sam, exercise will be the next thing I add too! I am encouraged by your weekly exercise posts! Keep 'em coming!!

  7. Yay! That is next on my list- quiet time. I get up earlier than my kids, but not quite early enough!

    I hope you can continue past this week! :)


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