Friday, April 29, 2011

31 Days To Clean E-book Giveaway!

I am getting excited to join up with the Homemakers Challenge with Christin!  Monday morning is the start date.  I purchased my book so that I would be ready when the time came.  Wouldn't you know that very same day - only moments later even Sarah Mae (the author of the e-book) decided to have a giveaway!  Is that just my life or does this happen to everyone?  

Well, it turns out to be good news for you guys.  She has graciously allowed me to give away not 1 but 2 copies of 31 Days To Clean to my readers!  Just leave me a comment and an email to get in touch with you to enter for your very own copy!

I will pick 2 winners Sunday night!  That will give you plenty of time to join the challenge if you like!   Now, go and comment!  And don't forget to leave me a way to get in touch with you!

Homemakers Challenge - 31 Days to Clean


  1. Glad to see your blog. Looks like one I'd like to regularly visit.

  2. I happened upon your blog and just wanted to tell you that I think it is very nicely designed, and the content is great too! The font and layout that you have chosen make it very easy to read....there's nothing fighting for attention. I appreciate that in a blog and will be checking in again from time to time. :-)

  3. It's nice to meet you, Melissa! Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment on my site. I'd love to learn more about the 31-day challenge...boy, does my house need it! I really need to clean-up and clean-out! Add me to your list of interested folks that would love to read the ebook! Email is

  4. I just followed your link from the workboxes group and I have enjoyed looking around. I would the opportunity to win this e-book, it's one I've been interested in anyway. Thank you so much!

  5. Found your blog through the workboxes group. Am bookmarking it and would love to win this ebook. :O)

  6. I enjoyed looking around your blog, found your link through the workboxes group

  7. Sarah chose two numbers for me and they are #5 and #7!

    Congratulations!! I will be in contact soon!

  8. I enjoyed looking around your blog, found your link through the workboxes group

  9. Found your blog through the workboxes group. Am bookmarking it and would love to win this ebook. :O)

  10. Glad to see your blog. Looks like one I'd like to regularly visit.


Thanks for stopping by - let me know that you did!