Friday, February 25, 2011

February Wrap-Up

We are back in the groove!  Right now, here is what we are using!

Bible - Apologia's What We Believe Series, Volume 1, Who Is God And Can I Really Know Him?  This is a review item so I will not go in to much detail yet but it is awesome!  It is really sparking some great discussion with my children.

For Language Arts we are using Reading Kingdom, Time4Learning, and Classical Conversations Essentials.  The kids love Time4Learning so much!

Grammar - We are working on sentences with Object Complement Nouns and Object Complement Adjectives.  Within that range we are using Declarative, Exclamatory, Interrogative, and Imperative sentences and then diagramming.  Grammar runs a close second to my favorite subject right after math :).

Spelling - We are using our vocabulary words from IEW as our spelling words.  This seems to be working best for us.  I have 3 levels of All About Spelling but it just doesn't fit our family so you may just see a give away there before long!

Reading - we are still reading Trouble River aloud but only 2 more chapters left!  We've also picked up a few library books to read about WW1 and WW2 to tie in with our history period.  Next up is a short book about Anne Frank since we'll be watching a play about her in March.  I also put The Swans of Summer on hold at the library.

History - studying WW1 and WW2 and Classical Conversations.

Science - Classical Conversations science snippets.

Latin - Sarah is using Latin's Not So Tough Level 2 which is another review item.  Stephen and Jonathan are both using Latin for Children Primer A (again, a review item :).

Memory Work - We are working on Wk 18 in Classical Conversations.

Here is our new memory work board that I finished making!  We love it!!  I still want to add title labels but for now that is going to be a summer project!
Here are a few pictures of our week:

For more weekly wrap-ups visit Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


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