Friday, February 25, 2011

February Wrap-Up

We are back in the groove!  Right now, here is what we are using!

Bible - Apologia's What We Believe Series, Volume 1, Who Is God And Can I Really Know Him?  This is a review item so I will not go in to much detail yet but it is awesome!  It is really sparking some great discussion with my children.

For Language Arts we are using Reading Kingdom, Time4Learning, and Classical Conversations Essentials.  The kids love Time4Learning so much!

Grammar - We are working on sentences with Object Complement Nouns and Object Complement Adjectives.  Within that range we are using Declarative, Exclamatory, Interrogative, and Imperative sentences and then diagramming.  Grammar runs a close second to my favorite subject right after math :).

Spelling - We are using our vocabulary words from IEW as our spelling words.  This seems to be working best for us.  I have 3 levels of All About Spelling but it just doesn't fit our family so you may just see a give away there before long!

Reading - we are still reading Trouble River aloud but only 2 more chapters left!  We've also picked up a few library books to read about WW1 and WW2 to tie in with our history period.  Next up is a short book about Anne Frank since we'll be watching a play about her in March.  I also put The Swans of Summer on hold at the library.

History - studying WW1 and WW2 and Classical Conversations.

Science - Classical Conversations science snippets.

Latin - Sarah is using Latin's Not So Tough Level 2 which is another review item.  Stephen and Jonathan are both using Latin for Children Primer A (again, a review item :).

Memory Work - We are working on Wk 18 in Classical Conversations.

Here is our new memory work board that I finished making!  We love it!!  I still want to add title labels but for now that is going to be a summer project!
Here are a few pictures of our week:

For more weekly wrap-ups visit Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - 6

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...

It started out back on track and in the groove and well by today my Sarah has strep AGAIN for the 3rd time since Thanksgiving!!

In our homeschool this week...

We really accomplished a lot and had a rather smooth week which even included a little fun drawing time!

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

I think we need to just stay in our house until spring arrives for good and stops playing with us!

My favorite thing this week was...

Spending time with my children and watching them grow in there abilities!

What's working/not working for us...

We are loving Apologia's new series What We Believe.

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...

Do you plan the same thing for lunch every week or mix it up?

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

One of our white boards :)

And I finished our Classical Conversations memory work board - or well almost.  I still want to add labels but that will be a summer project!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - 5

In my life this week...

We were back to busy schedule!  We had boys and girls clubs, end of year testing, and a few errands.

In our homeschool this week...

I started working on a new board for our weekly Classical Conversations memory work.  I ran out of hooks so I'll share it next week.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

So far this week we don't have anywhere "extra" on the agenda!!

My favorite thing this week was...

The flexibility we have as a homeschooling family to be there for friends and family when they need us most!  And secondly, the gorgeous weather which included 2 trips to the park!!

What's working/not working for us...

Things are going well!  We have just added Time4Learning to our daily schedule and my kids and myself love it!  They have a great program where you can review their program in exchange for a month free.

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...

We are coming up on week 18 of Classical Conversations and almost headed into March!  Boy, does time fly!!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

P.E. at the YMCA :)


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Review of Time4Learning

I am so excited to write this review.  Out of all the curriculum and products I have reviewed so far, this is one that my kids are begging me to keep!  They absolutely love doing their school lessons at Time4Learning.  My review wasn't due until the end of the month but we love this one so much that I couldn't wait any longer to share it!

Time4Learning is a convenient, online homeschool curriculum that combines education with interactive fun. Animated lessons, interactive activities, printable worksheets and detailed reporting make the learning system a top selection of the "Top 100 Educational Websites" list, year after year.

The Time4Learning program has been refined through years of feedback from educators, parents, and students. Lessons are presented at the student's pace by an automated system. The language arts and math lessons correlate to state standards. Science, social studies and art are also available as a bonus in most grades.

Kids love the computer, so let them learn on one! The Time4Learning curriculum gives preschool to eighth graders who are homeschooled the independence they crave, as they progress at their own pace. The program also helps kids who are homeschooled advance, by teaching with individualized learning paths that assure skill mastery.  I really hate the fact that it stops at 8th grade because my oldest son has finally found something that works for him completely!

Several of my favorite features are the automated grading, lesson plans and detailed reporting that track progress and make record keeping simple.  And, unfortunately I had to put the tracking progress into action.  I had a child who told me they had done their lessons for the day not knowing that I could check and see their progress on my Parent Login page.  It is so wonderful to be able to leave the kids to do their lessons and have a complete detail to look back at.  

You can sign up each child online at Time4Learning.  The cost is $19.95 per month and only $14.95 per month for each additional child.  That price includes Language Arts, Math, and in most areas science and social studies.

Would our family purchase a subscription to Time4Learning?  YES and we are converting as soon as this month's free trial is up!  The time it saves me in preparing and checking lessons is so worth every penny!!  Would you like to try Time4Learning out for yourself for free?  Then go here for more details!  

If I can answer any other questions for you, please let me know!

**Disclaimer:  I received a free month's subscription for all my children to Time4Learning in exchange for my review.  What you read here are my honest opinions!  Enjoy!**

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Homeschool Mother's Journal - 4

In my life this week...

We have had no sickness!  Okay, no real sickness!  We still have a few lingering colds but life has gotten back to normal!

In our homeschool this week...

We began the catch up progress.  Since 2011 begun we have had strep twice, the flu, stomach bugs, and a death in our family.  So, in our homeschool we have gotten behind.  But that is the beauty of homeschool, we could take the time we needed to heal and grieve fully. 

Places we're going and people we're seeing...
I'm starting a "just for moms" Zumba class on Monday!  I am so excited about that!  Girls and Boys Clubs are this week too.

My favorite thing this week was...
Experiencing an even closer relationship with God!  Seeing Him answer my prayer warrior children's prayers so clearly and working in our family!!

What's working/not working for us...

Right now - we are doing okay!  I did gain some wonderful insight from a few veteran homeschool moms this week at our Welcoming and Mentoring group meeting!  What a blessing that group is!    Be sure to check the next question for some of their wisdom!

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...

The topic was "If I had to do it over again.....".  We had 2 ladies there who have children who were homeschooled all the way and have now graduated from college and have careers.  And the big thing..........RELAX!!  It will be okay, God has a plan for your child and He will fix your screw ups, ROFL!  Phew!  (that is my paraphrase :)
A few other words of wisdom....
  • learning doesn't have to be from a book - one of the ladies shared how she would constantly tell her husband that he never helped her with their homeschool -that was her thing she would have changed- not only because she was being a nag but because when her son entered college to become an engineer, he was a year above his peers because he had worked with his father since age 12 in their home improvement business not because of his "book" skills.
  • keep a record of those funny moments that you think you will never forget
  • read aloud more even to your high schoolers
  • give more praise and compliments
  • don’t let your school become your idol - if it's constantly on your mind and it's all you think about it has become your idol
  • take more time for yourself
  • don't put your husband last
  • teach more lifestyle skills instead of worrying about finishing school work
  • you can try every curriculum out there and sometimes you still will not be able to "fix" an area of weakness for your child - but you know what - IT'S OKAY
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

Last week, my husband's father went home to be with Jesus.  It was a tough and long week but God gave us the strength and comfort we needed to get through.  Below, was a  sign that Jonathan made for him while he was sick.  We will miss him greatly, but we can rest in the comfort and assurance that he is with Jesus and we will be with him again!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Time4Learning Opportunity

I've been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning can be used as a homeschool curriculum, for afterschool enrichment and for summer skill sharpening. Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning.