Monday, November 15, 2010

Review of Corps of Re-Discovery - Fringe Pouch Kit


I am excited to tell you about today's review.  It comes from a company who calls themselves "Corps of Re-Discovery".  Their name is derived from The Corps of Discovery which was the name President Thomas Jefferson gave to Lewis and Clark’s party as he commissioned them to find an east-west water passage to the Pacific Ocean over 200 years ago.

Corps of Re-Discovery is a homeschooling family who working together have found and created great project kits to enrich your studies of American Indians, Frontiersmen, and Pioneer and Colonial Americans so you, too can "re discover" America.

Through the homeschool crew we were able to review The Fringe Pouch kit from the Frontiersman selection.  My seven year old, Sarah, was who I chose for this project.  Recommended age was 7 and up.  My oldest son really wants to do one also and he is 12!

Here are the supplies that came with the kit.  All parts are pre-cut and pre-punched. Kits include thread, needle, laces and instructions. Suede Leather. Finished size: 5 1/2" x 6" plus fringe. 

Sarah was so excited and loved every minute of making this.  It was really VERY, VERY simple.  She needed a little help with lining up the fringe at the beginning and adding the drawstring at the end but the rest she did entirely on her own.  The instructions for the drawstring part were a little confusing for me too but we finally figured it out. 
Here is Sarah busy at work.

And her ta-da moment!  She was very pleased with the end result and so was I!

We took two days to complete the kit but it could certainly be done in one sitting!  The cost of the kit is $11.99 + s/h and it can be purchased online here.  It is also available in a Frontiersman Craft Pack Kit that includes the Possibles Bag Kit, Powder Horn, Coon Tail Hat Kit, Regular Tomahawk Kit, the Fringe Pouch Kit (assorted colors), and the Kentucky Pistol for $71.92 + s/h.   You may also make your purchases by phone or mail.  You can find out more about those options here.

Would our family purchase this?  Absolutely!  It was so simple to do yet my daughter was extremely proud that she could do it without much help from her mom!  I thought that the quality for the price was a good match as well.

Check out what my fellow crewmates received and what they thought of some of the other products from Corps of Re-Discovery.

**Disclaimer:  I was given this product for review purposes.  I received no other compensation to review this product.  The opinions here are my true and honest evaluation.**


  1. Wow-that fringe pouch matches your dd perfectly (like hair color even!)LOL very nice review and so glad she enjoyed making this.

  2. Wow-that fringe pouch matches your dd perfectly (like hair color even!)LOL very nice review and so glad she enjoyed making this.


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