Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week #6

I'm actually on the current week and looking back!  I've caught up and my hope is to review our week each Saturday!

Six weeks have passed and I have come to the realization that I cannot do everything that I planned to do at the beginning of the year.  I knew I over planned from the beginning but my stubbornness led me to keep on keeping on even when it wasn't the best thing to do!

So, I've tweaked our homeschool schedule to now hopefully fit more appropriately with our on-the-go lifestyle that we've suddenly embarked upon!

Step 1 - very important for me!

Step 2 - My handy dandy planner from Home Educating Family!  I use it for everything!
Step 3 - I made an on the go notebook for us to have in hand to review our Classical Conversations memory work.  Because, sometimes I'd say, "Tell me the 7 types of biomes" and the kids would rattle them off but one and none of us could think of that one!  So, this comes in very handy.  We also have a 99 van that does not have a CD player so I uploaded all the songs to my blackberry!

I divided our notebook by weeks and printed out some very valuable resources from the CC Connected.  You must have a membership to get to the files and I highly recommend joining!  Each week has the memory work laid out.  It's like a mini version of our weekly board.

I also printed out the weekly map for geography and added that in.

Next I added in the weekly History and Science snippets.  They give a little more detail about the history sentence and science facts we are learning for the week.  For now, we have put aside Mystery of History and Apologia Astronomy and are just doing these.  We will use MOH and AA during the off weeks we have at classical.  I love both so much that I can't give them up but we just do not have the time to fit them in right now.  We have a break coming up in October and we will pull them pack out then.  We also have all of December off.

Next up are the memory cards for testing yourself at glance.  On the front is the question and on the back is the answer.
I added our timeline cards into their own notebook.
I carry the notebooks in my free w/purchase  ESTÉE LAUDER bag for easy transportation. =)

Step 3 - I've learned versatility!  School doesn't have to be done at a desk!!  Here, we are waiting for Sarah to finish up with her dance class.

And that leads back to the beauty of homeschooling!!

Here is a sample of Sarah's artwork for the week.  The boys were writing about Justinian the Great from their IEW Medieval History books (more history there too!) and Sarah drew a picture him.  I thought she did a great job!

Week 4 of Classical Conversations!  We are still enjoying it!  Sarah is giving her presentation.  She is sharing some photos of her family =)

That's a wrap!  You can join in the weekly wrap-up fun too!


  1. Melissa - I just found your blog and I'm so glad I did. You are really organized and that inspires me! I'm also interested in Classical Conversations, so reading your blog is timely. Thank you!

  2. Looks like you've made some good adjustments. I plan too much every year and figure out after a few weeks that I need to drop and/or adjust things.


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