On our agenda this week includes attending our local See You At The Pole event. Ours was held at the local Chic-fil-A. We had about 40 attend. It was an awesome experience to stand with fellow believers and pray for our schools, community, and country!
We also went on our first field trip to The Wilson Times (our local newspaper). And our tour guide was none other than the owner!! We enjoyed it so much. Notice my three right next to the owner. They do not have a shy bone! I am not sure where they get that from!
And on the way home, they were preoccupied. =)
The kids also had their very first dance performance with the ministry team they have joined at Heaven's Footprints. I must tell about our dance journey. It all started with Sarah. She wanted to take dance so we stopped by a new studio that had opened up that our homeschool group had recommended. Immediately, Sarah fell in love with Mrs. Angela. The boys and I watched as Sarah tried out EVERY dance to decide what she wanted to do and in a total of a week, our whole family fell in love with Mrs. Angela!! She is such an awesome dancer and instructor. But most of all, she has a passion for the Lord and wants to pass that along through teaching children how to dance with a purpose!! And that purpose is all for the glory of God! God works in amazing ways and we are truly blessed that He directed our path to Heaven's Footprints!
I did make a notebook for our new on the go lifestyle but did not get to take any pictures of it. So, coming up next week, how we keep it all together. (lol, or try!)

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