Wednesday, October 27, 2010

PG Key Review

My childrens' safety is something I am very passionate about.  It is my duty to protect them.  They are children, and they will push their boundaries especially teenagers.  They need their parents' protection.  Do not let them wander into the world without you!  I was a child once.  I know!!

In today's day and time, your children can enter the world without ever leaving your home.  The world can be brought right into their bedrooms, your living room, or anywhere you have a computer in your home or even a cell phone with internet access.  Wake up parents and take responsibility for your children!

This all leads me to today's review.  As a member of TOS Homeschool Crew, I had the opportunity to review a product called PG Key's SafeKey

This little usb that plugs into your computer's usb port is all you need to monitor your child's online activities.


By plugging this simple little device and installing PG Key onto your computer you now have the control you need to enforce your rules even when you can't be there!  If the key is not in the computer, it does not work!  You also have accessibility to many other options as well.   Here is a sample of what you can do with PG Key.

Access Control
Control computer use by inserting or unplugging PG Key.

Time Allowance

Decide the amount of time the computer can be used daily.

Content Filtering
Eliminate unwanted results from innocent searches.

Site Blocking
Block sites you decide are inappropriate.

Activity Tracking
Review all activity on the PC with a DVD-like interface.

Activity Notifications
Be informed via text message or e-mail of any flagged activity.

Chat and E-mail Logging
See both sides of chat and e-mail conversations.

Computer Configuration
Properly configure all users of the protected PC.

User Name and Password Logging
Keep track of user names and passwords.

Inappropriate Activity Evidence
Use video recording to show obvious or suspected inappropriate activity.

If you would like to get a free trial and try PG Key for yourself, you can do so by filling out a request here

The cost of PG Key is $49.99 + s/h and it can be purchased online here or to save on the s/h you can purchase it at Office Max and a few other stores.  There are no additional fees or annual fees.  If you are anything like me here is a valuable bit of extra information.  If you lose your key, you can get a replacement key for $10.  =)

Would our family purchase this product?  I must say, at this time, I do not allow any of my children computer access without my supervision, and they are not left home alone at this age.  So, for now we just do not need a product of this sort.  However,  I could see us needing one in the near future!  I think the price of this is affordable for our family.  You cannot put a price on safety!

With all that being said - PG Key adds this statement and I wholeheartedly agree!

"Simply put - PG Key does NOT replace parenting with technology - It ENABLES parenting with technology."

Now, go and be safe, pray for your children, and give them a big hug today no matter how old they are!

To find out what my crewmates thought of this product go here.

**Disclaimer:  I was given this product for review purposes.  I received no other compensation to review this product.  The opinions here are my true and honest evaluation.**


  1. Stopping by to read your your last statement about hugging your kids, etc. Have a wonderfully blessed day!

  2. Stopping by to read your your last statement about hugging your kids, etc. Have a wonderfully blessed day!


Thanks for stopping by - let me know that you did!