Monday, July 12, 2010

Blog Walk - Week 3

I am behind in my blog walk.  Such is the life of summer time!  Here is the list for week 3.

1. All American Family
2. Growing Fruit
3. Learning to Teach
4. Codex Young Author's Publishing Program
5. Stairsteps Homeschool Academy
6. Kingdom Academy
7. Living Sola Gratia
8. Wynfield Christian Academy
9. The Cow Queen
10. Peace Creek on the Prairie

Looking forward to catching up and visiting with my fellow crewmates!


  1. Hi Melissa, I am stopping by from the Homeschool Crew. New this year. Looking forward to looking through your blog.

  2. Hi Melissa, I am stopping by from the Homeschool Crew. New this year. Looking forward to looking through your blog.


Thanks for stopping by - let me know that you did!