Today's Wisdom

Where is another God like you, who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of his special people? You will not stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing unfailing love.

Micah 7:18 (NLT)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

2010-2011 Curriculum Choices

Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers      Not Back to School Blog Hop

Jonathan - 7th grade

Math - Abeka 7
Basic Mathematics--New Edition

Writing - IEW Medieval Times + Copywork
IEW Medieval History Writing Lessons - Student

Grammar - CC Essentials
The Essentials of the English Language - 3rd Edition

Reading - Reading List + ??
Jonathan is being tested in August so I am going to wait until then to decide what I want to do.  He is struggling in this area.

Stephen - 4th grade

Math - Abeka 4
Arithmetic 4

Writing - IEW Medieval Times + Copywork
same as Jonathan above

Grammar - Essentials
same as Jonathan above

Reading - Abeka 4 + Reading List
Salute to CourageLiberty Tree Flags UnfurledAdventures in Other Lands Speed and Comprehension Reader

Sarah - 2nd grade

Arithmetic 2

Writing - Basic Writing Series 1

Grammar - Abeka Letters and Sounds 2 & Abeka Language 2
Letters and Sounds 2Language 2

Reading - Abeka 2 and Sonlight 2
Primary Bible ReaderAll Kinds of AnimalsGrowing Up Where Jesus LivedSilver SailsSunshine MeadowsPaths of GoldHidden TreasureNo Longer A NobodyTreasure ChestStory Tree


Bible - Building Life Castles

History - Mystery of History II, Story of the World II,  Famous Men of the Middle Ages
The Mystery of History Volume II
The Story of the World, Vol. 2 (The Middle Ages) - Paperback [Revised Edition]
Famous Men of the Middle Ages - Click Image to Close

Science - Apologia's Exploring Creation With Astronomy - finish
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
                Apologia's Exploring Creation With Zoology 1 - start
Exploring Creation with Zoology 1

Latin - Latin for Children A
Latin for Children, Primer A (Textbook)

Spelling - All About Spelling - various levels

Memorization and Geography - CC Foundations and Veritas Press History Cards
Foundations Curriculum Guide, 3rd edition      Veritas Press HISTORY Timeline Resources

Read Alouds
Sonlight Core 2
Read Alouds 1+2- Five Day

Jonathan's Reading List so far
The White Stag by Kate Seredy
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights by Howard Pyle
The Magna Charta by James Daugherty
In Freedom's Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce by G. A. Henty
The Prince and the Pauper by Samuel Clemens

Stephen's reading list so far
King Arthur and His Knights
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
The Vikings by Elizabeth Janeway
The Door in the Wall by Marguerite de Angeli
The World of Columbus and Sons by Genevieve Foster

Phew!  I'm sure things will get tweaked as necessary.  We will definitely be adding more living books to our curriculum for the year but this is a start! 

I'm also reviewing for TOS Homeschool Crew this year so we will add those in when we get them too! 

Three cheers for a great new school year!  Now, let the copying and planning begin ;)


  1. Wow, that sounds like a lot of stuff to coordinate, but looks good. We love the Apologia science books here too!

    Tristan from the Crew

  2. =) It is alot! That's where I'm counting on my veteran homeschool mom's to come in,lol.

    I couldn't decide between MOH which we LOVE and wanting to try out SOTW so I found this schedule to combine both -somewhat ;)

    I can tell as each year goes by it gets harder for me to make a simple choice,lol!

    Apologia is the one for us too though so that one is still simple at least.

  3. Sounds like a great plan. We are Apologia lovers here too. Just starting out with MOH vol 1.

  4. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love the detail of your planned curriculum...we're still finishing up our planning and then we're going to try scheduling...

  5. Looks like a great year! We have loved SOTW so much my kids beg to "do history" This year we're trying out My Father's World so I don't have to pull it all together myself, and it includes SOTW. Have a wonderful year!

  6. I love seeing all the pictures. What a load you have. :)Have a great yearQ

  7. lots of great stuff here. Thanks for sharing. I agree with Jen, I LOVE seeing pictures. I'm such a visual person. So thank you!

  8. Jen and Connie Jean,

    Yep I am there with you!! I am very much a visual person too =)

  9. I love seeing all the pictures. What a load you have. :)Have a great yearQ

  10. =) It is alot! That's where I'm counting on my veteran homeschool mom's to come in,lol.

    I couldn't decide between MOH which we LOVE and wanting to try out SOTW so I found this schedule to combine both -somewhat ;)

    I can tell as each year goes by it gets harder for me to make a simple choice,lol!

    Apologia is the one for us too though so that one is still simple at least.


Thanks for stopping by - let me know that you did!