Monday, April 26, 2010

And We Have A Winner!!

Here is how we chose the winner.  After reading Kelly's post at Loving Life's Little Moments and how she chose I decided to go with something similiar.  And I won the grammar book there too!!  So excited!! 

So, here is how we chose.  I let each kid choose a number from 1-77 since that was how many comments there were minus my comment =)  So I guess we had actually had semifinalist.  The seimifinalist were #6 (Stephen's choice), #30 (Sarah's choice), and #13 (Jonathan's choice).  Then we put those 3 numbers in a cup and I drew the winner. 

And the winner was.......................

#30   Amanda who said  "My son loves little books like this and he is always so proud that he read a whole book to me! These would be great for encouraging him in his abilities."

Congratulations Amanda!  I have emailed you!  And thanks so much to everyone who participated.  This was really a lot of fun!

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