Friday, March 12, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up - Week #26

Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers

This week's homeschool was focused mainly on trade skills and End of Grade Testing. We remodeled our living room and we still haven't finished putting pictures and final accessories back but we are getting there!

Getting Started

The almost after =)

Bible - Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams.  Character trait this week was Wisdom.

Science - Venus....feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!

States - Alaska....I forgot to say we started this last week.  We're going in alphabetical order.  Here's a few pictures of Stephen and Sarah coloring the Alaskan flag. 

End of grade testing all done and complete.  Now we can play around more with next year's curriculum too!
That's a wrap on our week.  For more weekly wrap-ups check out Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. Wow, it must feel great to have your testing all done and begin planning for next year! We do not test until May ... so we are in the review stage. Your living room looks great.

  2. I love the new color! And congrats for getting the testing done :)

  3. I love the kids painting the living room. Great job! We have to get our annual testing done this month for our local School Board. I'd rather eat nails but oh well. Congrats on getting it done!

  4. I love the kids painting the living room. Great job! We have to get our annual testing done this month for our local School Board. I'd rather eat nails but oh well. Congrats on getting it done!


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