Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up Week #28

Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Another crazy week!  We were off on Monday. 

Wednesday we had a field trip.  One of the fathers in our homeschool group participates in local Pow Wows so he came and showed us his collection of regalia and did a small performance for us.  It was really interesting!

Thursday, at the last minute I decided we should visit our local Classical Conversations Open House.  I had heard of them when I first started homeschooling but at the time I was too overwhelmed to persue any further.  Well, WOW is all I can say!  My kids fit in like they had been there the whole year.  So, we are prayerfully considering joining the group next year.  

Friday we finished up some of our lessons and then prepared for a family camp out with our Cub Scout group.  Oh my, was it ever COLD!!  And my reward is now I have a cold!
That's a wrap on our week.  For more weekly wrap-ups check out Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up - Week #27

Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers

This week has flown by and looking back I wasn't sure we got anything done.  We had 2 days off this week and in between we tried to get focused but just couldn't get our groove on.  Oh well, maybe next week!

The real after of our living room finally!

Stephen had a great time at his Blue Gold Cub Scout Banquet.  He has worked very hard and earned his Astronomy, Basketball, and Soccer belt loops, two beads, and his gold arrow.

We also got to enjoy the great outdoors today.  That was fun!

Jonathan is headed with the youth at church to Aquire The Fire so he wasn't with us.

That's a wrap on our week.  For more weekly wrap-ups check out Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up - Week #26

Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers

This week's homeschool was focused mainly on trade skills and End of Grade Testing. We remodeled our living room and we still haven't finished putting pictures and final accessories back but we are getting there!

Getting Started

The almost after =)

Bible - Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams.  Character trait this week was Wisdom.

Science - Venus....feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!

States - Alaska....I forgot to say we started this last week.  We're going in alphabetical order.  Here's a few pictures of Stephen and Sarah coloring the Alaskan flag. 

End of grade testing all done and complete.  Now we can play around more with next year's curriculum too!
That's a wrap on our week.  For more weekly wrap-ups check out Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up #25

Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Let's see....hmmmm.  Main plan was to have fun for Dr. Seuss' Birthday and I think we accomplished that!

We read several Dr. Seuss books, played online games to go with them at Seussville, made our own "Cat In The Hat" Cake, and finished the week by watching the movie.

Bible - Joseph in prison and his dream interpretations.  Character trait this week is Patience.

Science - Mercury...finally made our models!

Math - Jonathan is doing perimeter and area and said this stuff is college work,lol. Stephen reviewing measurement conversions and equations. Sarah is reviewing telling time, adding double digit numbers, all the memory skip counting work, and weight measurements.

Jonathan drawing an inground swimming pool and finding the area and perimeter.

Language Arts - Jonathan is working with adjectives and diagramming sentences with them. Stephen is working on dictionary skills.  Sarah is working working with suffixes, and "c" in city, face, etc.

Stephen using his dictionary skills.

Spelling - Taking a break from spelling until I decide what we're going to do.

Writing - Sarah is writing simple stories from word prompts and pictures. Stephen has been working in his Cub Scout book. Jonthan is finishing up week 24 in Writing with Ease.

No basketball or cheerleading this week since the season ended so we're enjoying the Wii =).

Sarah getting ready to have some Wii fun!

That's a wrap on our week.  For more weekly wrap-ups check out Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.