Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Solar System Fun

Our balloon solar system =)  Oh yeah, and we do wear costumes to school sometimes too!


Counting Money

We use real money to count with but the bills in the register are fake because Sarah put them in there =)

Noodle and Paperclip Art

Stephen's is our family....the Fab Five =)

Sarah's is the burning bush =)

Jonathan's is 3 crosses during Jesus's death =)

Their job was to come up with anything they wanted too.  I enjoyed this activity and they did too.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Inside Jonathan's Folder

Jonathan's Folder (6th grade)
1 (Language)
2 (Spelling)
3 (Math Speed Drills)
4 (Math)
5 (Reading)
6 (Music)
7 (Writing)
8 (Art)


Inside Stephen's Folder

Stephen's Folder (3rd grade)
1 (Math speed drills)
2 (Math)
3 (Reading)  His book is on the shelf because it makes the folder too bulky.
4 (Spelling)
6 (Music)
7 (Cooking)
8 (Writing)

Inside Sarah's Folder (1st grade)

This is our first week using our folders.  I think the 8 included in the folder will be enough for us since we're doing several subjects together this year.
1 (Math)
2 (Writing)
3 (Phonics)
4 (Reading)
5 (Music)
6 (Alphabet)
7 (her fun one today- Tag book)
8 (Spelling)
After she's done with each folder, she takes the number and adds it to her "I'm done" chart.  I want to add some chores into the chart too I think.

I've already gotten lots of great responses and we're only on day 2!  "Mom, I love school this year!"  =)

Folder System

I first saw this system over here.  I totally loved it and she even has the cards you can print out too!  Here are the kids' folders.
This is my folder where I put our daily assigments by child.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sequential Spelling

We decided to go ahead and add in some spelling.  Both boys are using Sequential Spelling.  It's easy so far but the words get much harder.  They like doing it with the dvd and I like it because they can do it somewhat independently.  She talks a little different than we do so I have to translate sometimes though =)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Teacher Gifts

Awwwww, they do love me! =) Apple from Stephen, Bib from Sarah, and hand sanitizer from Jonathan! They surprised me this morning with teacher gifts. I have the best kids!


Our Day

Sarah using her math, cutting, and gluing skills.
Stephen is happy to be back at school.
Jonathan is not quite so happy.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Sarah

One of Sarah's favorite things to do is school work so she was happy that her bd fell during a school day! The big SIX today!
